CESTiCC: Monitoring winter flow conditions on the Ivishak River, Alaska

AIDC project number: 1613


Horacio Toniolo


CESTiCC & Alyeska

  • Start Date: Sep 1, 2016
  • End Date: Aug 30, 2017

Project Documents

Project Final Report

Project Summary

During the last two winters the lower Sagavanirktok River has been affected with extensive aufeis formations. As a result, severe flooding during spring break occurred in 2015.  Ongoing research seeks better predictors of flooding in this area. The Ivishak River, a main tributary to the Sagavanirktok River, is ungauged, and aerial field observations taken during winter research on the Sagavanirktok indicated areas of open water along the Ivishak River, potentially a contributing factor in ice formation.  Better data from these subwatersheds could offer better indicators on water movement along the Sagavanirktok.