CESTiCC: The Stormwater - Pavement Interface in Cold Climates

AIDC project number: 101411


Liv Haselbach


CESTiCC & Washington Department of Ecology

  • Start Date: May 1, 2014
  • End Date: May 30, 2017

Project Documents

Project Final Report

Project Summary

This project relates to the second research thrust area of ‘managing stormwater runoff in cold climate through improved training, monitoring, advanced technology and pervious concrete’. Many stakeholders such as the City of Spokane, Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Washington State University (WSU), and similar agencies and communities in Montana and Alaska are interested in using the low impact development technology of pervious concrete or other permeable pavements for managing stormwater quantity and quality. Paramount to their expanded application is researching some remaining questions, particularly with respect to cold climates. The two main issues for pervious concrete are its durability under the winter conditions and snow-removal activities, and the impact of storing water for extended periods of time under the permeable pavements and then this water’s impact on the neighboring pavements/soils. This second issue is particularly important for regions with significant frost depths or repeated freeze/thaw conditions. The Objectives are:

1: To install soil moisture and temperature sensors under traditional pavements/soils next to permeable pavements in order to estimate capillary action levels and freeze-thaw or subsurface ice formation under various draindown and weather conditions.

2: To monitor the surface conditions of the permeable pavement placements and neighboring traditional pavements with respect to raveling, frost heave and pavement condition indices. And perform ancillary investigations into hydrological functionality such as surface infiltration rates.