CESTiCC: Performance of Tencate Paving Fabrics in Asphalt Concrete Pavements

AIDC project number: 1510


Jenny Liu


CESTiCC & TenCate Geosynthetics

  • Start Date: Aug 1, 2015
  • End Date: Aug 30, 2017

Project Documents

Project Final Report

Project Summary

Paving interlayers have been used in asphalt overlays in a variety of design and construction situations for more than three decades. A recent project conducted by researchers from University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) identified a number of engineering benefits of using various types of paving fabrics in AC pavements. Further, preliminary field evaluation of test sections reinforced with paving interlayers showed better performance than the control section. However, there is a concern whether interlayers can continuously perform well in the long run. Thus there are needs for more years of field monitoring and evaluation.  In addition, the UAF research team continues the paving fabric research by introducing two new products, modified Mirapave and PGM30, which are developed by Tencate and designed to be placed over a pavement crack only with/without overlay paved above. This new technique needs laboratory evaluation to verify its feasibility for pavement crack mitigation. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to: 1) further evaluate the performance of paving interlayer-reinforced AC pavements in Alaska through two more years’ field monitoring; and 2) investigate the effects of modified Mirapave and PGM30 on mitigating cracking distress for roadways through laboratory tests.