CSET: Promoting CSET Outreach Activities through Safety Data Management and Analysis in RITI Communities

AIDC project number: 1705


Zigiang Zeng

Yinhai Wang



  • Start Date: Sep 1, 2017
  • End Date: Aug 30, 2018

Project Documents

Project Final Report

Project Summary

Communities in Rural, Isolated, Tribal, or Indigenous (RITI) areas are considered disadvantaged from a transportation safety perspective. Safety approaches must be developed that are sensitive to heritage, traditional ways of knowing and learning, and the preservation of culture. Culturally sensitive solutions are needed that will reduce RITI injuries and fatalities. It is important to better understand travelers’ attitudes and preferences in RITI communities based on their general and unique travel modes. However, it is widely recognized that traffic safety data are simply not available for some RITI communities in Washington State, which impedes a deeper understanding of travelers’ traditional adhesion and cultural heterogeneity and their impacts on RITI safety regulation, policy compliance.

Transportation safety data collection, management, integration, improvement, and analysis activities are integral to develop a robust data program and lead to more informed decision making, better targeted safety investments, and overall improved safety outcomes. Without sufficient data or data management systems, communities are not eligible to receive funds for safety improvements. There is a critical need to develop connections with RITI communities and engage relevant parties to improve and enhance safety data collection, management, and analysis activities through outreach activities. This project will develop outreach connections with RITI communities and engage relevant parties in Washington State. This project will help to foster relationships with people who value a sense of community and want to improve transportation safety in RITI areas of Washington State, and develop a comprehensive understanding of needs and priorities with regard to safety data management and analysis for RITI communities.