CESTiCC: Evaluation of Deicer Impacts on Pervious Concrete Specimens

AIDC project number: 1622


Liv Haselbach


CESTiCC and RMC (Ready Mix Concrete) Research and Education

  • Start Date: Sep 1, 2016
  • End Date: Jul 30, 2018

Project Documents

Project Final Report

Project Summary

There is strong evidence and instances that suggest certain deicing chemicals and salts can negatively affect pervious concrete and initiate a rapid degradation of the paste matrix, aggregate bonding, pavement durability and strength.  Some initial research has been performed at Washington State University (WSU) to study this funded by the RMC Research & Education Foundation. The focus of this proposal is to (A) evaluate the chemical data from the initial experimental protocol, particularly for the MgCl2 testing series, and (B) to enhance the experiments with (1) additional testing of precipitates found in the specimens, (2) evaluation of wetted freeze-thaw cycles of chemical laden specimens and (3) the performance of split tensile testing on the specimens. The overall objective of the entire research endeavor is to initiate the development of testing protocols that others can use to compare various pervious concrete mixes and/or procedures to enhance resistance to deicer degradation, particularly calcium chloride and magnesium chloride.