CSET: Development of Grass-Roots Data Collection Methods in Rural, Isolated and Tribal Communities

AIDC project number: 1904


Kevin Chang

Cody Hodgson


University of Idaho and CSET

  • Start Date: Sep 1, 2019
  • End Date: Jul 30, 2021

Project Documents

Project Final Report

Project Summary

Transportation agencies rely on good data for planning, design, and operations. While extensive procedures for the collection and dissemination of motor vehicle volumes and speeds have been developed over time, these same procedures do not always provide corresponding pedestrian and other non-motorized modal data. As system-level pedestrian data is limited, the ability of an agency to make an informed decision as to where potential needs are greatest is constrained. In rural, isolated, and tribal communities, these needs are further magnified as data may be entirely or almost completely non-existent. For these reasons, this project will explore the development of low-cost, low-intrusion methods of collecting pedestrian travel data.