Application of Non-traditional Soil Stabilization of Technology: Use of Geofibers and Synthetic Fluid in the Field

AIDC project number: MISC1


Billy Connor (UAF)


US Federal Highways Administration

  • Start Date: Aug 18, 2009
  • End Date: Dec 31, 2011

Project Documents

Final Report

Project Summary

This project, funded by ADOT&PF and AUTC, is investigating a new technique for using geofibers and a synthetic fluid to stabilize very loose sandy and silty soils typical of Western Alaska. Lab testing focused on measuring how well these new materials might improve poor foundation soils. Tests have shown that fibers can double or triple the strength of the soil. While the addition of synthetic fluids adds some strength, their primary function is to reduce moisture sensitivity of the fine-grained material. Rodney Collins, graduate student in civil engineering, has performed the majority of these laboratory tests.