

  • The Western Alaska Drone Community of Practice

    Nearly all communities in Western, Interior, and Northern Alaska are experiencing some form of erosion or subsidence from melting permafrost, extreme weather events, and other symptoms of a warming climate. Many of these impacts to the landscape and the infrastructure it supports are measurable through remote-sensing tools, including USA-made drones. Please join our TTAP webinar to hear from Dr. Jessica Garron about her team’s work in Western Alaska integrating placed-based knowledge and drone technology to build local capacity in community mapping for decision-making about climate change adaptation strategies, economic development, as well as search and rescue support. Dr. Jessica Garron works with a broad spectrum of scientists, community members, agency partners and industry representatives to apply science-based solutions to decision-making. Jessica works to holistically integrate actionable knowledge about the Arctic into current and future Alaskan operations and policy, and to tie the motivations of climate security needs to the Arctic research mission and Alaska Native Tribal communities along the Western edge of North America. Garron’s primary work identifies remote sensing and drone-based technological solutions to address community, scientific and operational problems focused on the circumpolar Arctic and to serve as a knowledge broker of those solutions. In her roles as research faculty at the International Arctic Research Center, Adjunct Professor with the US Army War College, and as the Deputy Director of the Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center, she connects operational and community-based end users with actionable, geospatial, and model-based science information to support climate change adaptation planning and response.

    The Western Alaska Drone Community of Practice


  • Alaska Federal Surplus Webinar

    Title: Alaska Federal Surplus Property Program presented on December 11 at 1 pm by Jonathon Harshfield, the State of Alaska’s Property Manager. 

    Alaska Federal Surplus Property Program: Public Law 94-519 gives the United States General Services Administration administrator power to establish a federal surplus donation program. The authority empowers the administrator to transfer federal surplus property to an agency of state government designated under state law. The State of Alaska Federal Surplus Property Program is the designated agency to distribute all federal surplus property for the State of Alaska. The State of Alaska Federal Surplus Property Program (SASP) is part of the Department of Administration (DOA), Office of Procurement and Property Management (OPPM). The program acquires and distributes federal surplus property to state and local government units, eligible non-profit public health and educational entities, tribal entities, 8(a) small businesses, veteran-owned small businesses, and programs for Alaska’s elders and people experiencing homelessness. The slides from the presentation can be accessed here.

    Alaska Federal Surplus Webinar
  • Conservation on Subsistence Trails to Maintain Functionality and Minimize Adverse Impacts

    This webinar was presented by Brett Nelson, State Conservation Engineer, USDA-NRCS, Alaska on November 13. The title is Conservation on Subsistence Trails to Maintain Functionality and Minimize Adverse Impacts. The presentation utilized a brief video and a series of powerpoint slides and live narration to portray conservation assistance available from USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service specifically focused on stabilization and remediation of deteriorated and unstable subsistence trails. Often, trails to subsistence harvest areas such as favored berry picking areas, fishing holes, or hunting spots can experience such significant amounts of repetitive use that the trail begins to erode or damage local vegetation and/or habitat.  This webinar will provide a brief overview of the technical and financial assistance available from USDA-NRCS to mitigate trail damages and conserve the natural resources on which subsistence users rely.  We will cover funding programs, eligibility, how NRCS provides technical assistance, timeframes for project development and construction, and how to contact NRCS to request assistance. 

    The video showcased in the presentation can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_nBM_9avgs.

    The slides used in the presentation can be accessed here.


    NRCS Trails Webinar
  • Financial Internal Controls for Alaska TTP Programs

    Financial Internal Controls for Alaska TTP Programs was presented on October 30 at 1 pm by Doug Roberts, who serves as the Financial Management Specialist for the FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation and is responsible for financial and administrative technical assistance for the TTP.  Doug has over 26 years of professional experience that includes serving as the Finance Manager for the FHWA Florida Division, the Financial Specialist for the FHWA New Mexico Division, Accounting Services Manager for a Fortune 500 construction engineering consultant, and he began his career as a Transportation Officer in the US Army. 
    This training introduces attendees to TTP Financial Internal Controls and provides an overview of single audit requirements. It includes a summary of compliance issues and common audit findings specifically for Alaska TTP Programs. The discussion will include understanding, assessing, and testing internal controls that relate to successfully managing TTP programs. Best practices for financial internal controls from across the TTP program will be examined to help your program identify gaps, define risks and mitigation strategies, and ensure accurate reporting.
    Single Audit Webinar
  • TTP Funding Formula – Alaska Style

    A targeted look at the basics of the TTP funding formula, with a specific focus on Alaska tribes and numerical examples using actual data from Alaska in the 2024 formula calculation. Presented by Matt Bird, Finance Manager out of Salem, Oregon, for the FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation since 2018. The presentation will include topics about TTP set asides, NAHASDA population numbers, which NTTFI roads and facilities generate funding, and a focus on the history of tribal transportation funding. Questions will be welcomed and answered. 
    The slides are available for download here.
    TTP Formula Presentation
  • Alaska DOT&PF Winter Rural Access Programs (WRAP)

    Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) is pleased to announce the opening of its Winter Rural Access Programs (WRAP) aimed at enhancing the safety and accessibility of Alaska's rural regions during the winter months. Our WRAP initiatives, including the Winter Trails Program, Safe Ice Routes for Alaska (SIRA) Program, and Snowmachine Trails Program, are vital for maintaining connectivity and supporting everyday travel needs and recreational activities across our state's diverse and rugged terrain. This presentation will provide an overview of the 3 programs and the application requirements for each. There will be an opportunity to ask questions about them.

    WRAP 2024
  • Researching Electric Vehicles in Alaska

    How well do electric vehicles (EVs) work in Alaska winters? What does the cold do to energy use and range? Do they save money and reduce emissions when electricity is made by fossil fuels? The research shows that for many locations and uses in Alaska, EVs can be a solid choice, bringing many benefits including the possibility to better integrate renewable energy, but also points out some barriers that do need to be addressed. Join Michelle Wilber, research engineer with the Alaska Center for Energy and Power at the University of Alaska Fairbanks as she talks about what she's learned from researching EVs in Alaska and some of the efforts underway to learn more and address barriers to adoption.

    Presented September 12, 2024

    EV in Alaska Webinar
  • Tribal Transportation Program - Inventory

    In this presentation we will discuss the background of the Tribal Transportation Program Inventory and how it is used to manage a Tribe's inventory. Specifically we will discuss relevant policy and regulations, structure of the inventory, the submittal cycle, the inventory checklist, the inventory comment letter, the sections in process report, allowable use of funds, and BIA resources that are available to help Tribes navigate the inventory process. The slides from the presentation are available online RIFDS Webinar.

    RIFDS Webinar
  • Reducing Dust on Your Roads and Streets: Water to Paving Part 2

    We all curse dust from our roadways. It obscures our vision and makes breathing more difficult. In addition, dust has long term health impacts while increasing the costs of maintaining the road. This two-part webinar will focus on options for reducing dust on roadways. Part 2 is aimed at roads with higher traffic volumes and higher speeds. This will include a discussion of when to pave and paving options. Part 2 will also discuss additional requirements for roadway maintenance. 

    If you missed part 1 of the Dust Webinar pair, it is available for viewing on YouTube at https://youtu.be/zMMhCUmECvk.

    Dust Part 2
  • Putting your transportation plans into action: Tribal Transportation Improvement Programs (TTIP)

    Title: Putting your transportation plans into action: Tribal Transportation Improvement Programs (TTIP)

    The purpose of transportation planning is to address current and future transportation, land use, economic development, traffic demand, public safety, health, and social needs. A Tribal government performs transportation planning to analyze existing and future transportation facilities serving the Tribal community under changing conditions to make informed investment decisions.  Planning can be done for both the short and long term. The TTIP is the Tribe’s short term (less than 4 years) strategy of programs and projects which are eligible for TTP funding.  Tribal governments administering the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) develop their TTIP through an analysis of long-range planning outcomes, results of public involvement activities, and the availability of financial resources.  

    • What a TTIP is and isn’t;
    • How TTIPs relate to the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory (NTTFI); and
    • How and when a TTIP should be rewritten and/or amended. 
    TTIP Webinar
  • Reducing Dust on Your Roads and Streets: Water to Paving

    We all curse dust from our roadways. It obscures our vision and makes breathing more difficult. In addition, dust has long term health impacts while increasing the costs of maintaining the road. This two-part webinar will focus on options for reducing dust on roadways. Part one on April 17 explores options for low and very low volume roads including institutional controls, roadway maintenance, and chemical palliatives. Part 2 on May 23rd is aimed at roads with higher traffic volumes and higher speeds. This will include a discussion of when to pave and paving options. Part 2 will also discuss additional requirements for roadway maintenance. The slides from the presentation are available online at https://aidc.uaf.edu/media/1636/ttap-webinar-part-1-april-2024_web.pdf

    More information
  • Understanding Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Requirements and Entry Level Driver Training in Alaska

    Title: Understanding Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Requirements and Entry Level Driver Training in Alaska

     Are you a Motor Carrier or Commercial Driver’s License holder in Alaska? Are you thinking about getting your CDL to drive in Alaska, but you don’t understand how Entry Level Driver Training works? Are you confused about the new Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse requirements? This training is for you.

     The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Alaska Division presents Understanding Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse (DACH) Requirements and Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT). ELDT requires that a new CDL driver must successfully complete theory and behind-the-wheel instruction before taking the CDL skills test. This presentation will provide information about ELDT, the locations they are offered, and explain Alaska’s existing exceptions/exemptions. Furthermore, this presentation will provide clarification to both Drivers and Motor Carriers about the requirement to enroll in DACH, also known as the Clearinghouse.

    Alaska CDL Webinar
  • Backcountry Preparedness: Come Home Safely

    Backcountry Preparedness: Come Home Safely 
    Topics to be covered include:

    1) The importance of proper planning and preparedness

    2) How to avoid potential hazards
    3) Key concepts of Avalanche awareness
    4) ATV/snowmobile safety
    5) Proper steps to follow in an emergency
    The presentation is by Katie Hannon. She is the Health Educator 11 and Injury Prevention TIPCAP Coordinator for CAMP. TIPCAP stands for Tribal Injury Prevention Cooperative Agreement Program. Katie is originally from Koyuk, but has lived in Nome for the past 15 years. She has been in her position for the last 5 years. She has completed all 3 Injury Prevention short courses through the Indian Health Service. She is currently in the Indian Health Service Fellowship program through the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. 
    Backcountry Safety Webinar


  • Just-in-Time FY 2024 TTP Annual Reporting

    This webinar is intended for Tribal employees who report on the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP). An overview of the new Tribal Transportation reporting tool will be provided. The questions remain consistent with previous years’ reporting.  The session provides an overview of the report’s questions and guidance and tips for completing the report accurately and timely.  

    Presenters: David Garcia, FHWA OTT and Miles Brookes, FHWA OTT

    TTP Annual Reporting
  • Alaska Marine Highway System

    The Maritime Administration (MARAD) supports our nation’s waterborne transportation infrastructure: ships and shipping, port and vessel operations, national security, environment, resiliency, and safety. One of MARAD’s most critical missions is facilitating investments in ports and waterways to help strengthen the resiliency of our supply chains, improve intermodal networks, and reduce climate impacts. During this webinar, leaders from MARAD’s Office of Ports & Waterway Planning will provide an overview of the United States Marine Highway Program (USMHP). Alaska contains three designated U.S. Marine Highway Routes under the USMHP, the M-11, M-5AK, and the M-A1. These designated routes consist of nearly 9,000 miles of coastal and inland waterways. This presentation will provide an overview of the benefits of the designations of these routes, including eligibility for MARAD funding, and present other Federal programs of interest to Alaska’s inland waterway and coastal communities.

    The Maritime Administration is the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) agency responsible for the nation’s maritime transportation system. Our mission is to foster, promote, and develop the maritime industry of the United States to meet the nation’s economic and security needs. MARAD collaborates with other USDOT agencies as well as other Federal agencies, State, local, and regional transportation partners, including private entities, to develop and expand the maritime transportation system into a capable, connected freight network. MARAD works to ensure that all maritime stakeholders are reflected in USDOT policies, planning efforts, and funding programs. For more information, MARAD’s website is https://www.maritime.dot.gov/

    Speakers: Vince Mantero, Director, Office of Ports & Waterways Planning Tim Pickering, United States Marine Highway Program Team Lead, Office of Ports & Waterways Planning Natasha Pavlovich, Port Development & Intermodal Planning Team Lead, Office of Ports & Waterways Planning

    Alaska's Marine Highway
  • DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard Demonstration

    Alaska TTAP Webinar presented by Amanda Rogers, ROUTES Initiative, US DOT on August 15, 2023.

    Abstract: The DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard provides communities with an overview of discretionary grant opportunities that can help meet their transportation infrastructure needs. This demonstration webinar will show Alaskan rural stakeholders how to use the dashboard to find transportation-focused grant programs from across the federal government. Participants will learn the various features of the dashboard such as search filters for rural/Tribal set-asides, transportation type, and available match waivers. The Dashboard also includes Federal grant programs outside of DOT that may be of particular interest to rural communities.​

    You can view the webinar on YouTube at https://youtu.be/c4-Xu59WvL8.

    DOT Discretionary Grants Dashboard Demonstration
  • Ice Roads Overview Webinar

    The Alaska TTAP (ATTAP) presented as part of the FHWA Innovation Exchange Series on Ice Roads. This exchange discussed safe and efficient design, construction, maintenance and operation of an ice
    road. The Arctic Infrastructure Development Center (AIDC) with support from Federal Highway
    Administration Federal Lands Highway Division recently completed a manual on the Design and
    Operation of Ice Roads that was presented as part of this webinar. Specific takeaways and topics included the bearing capacity of ice and how to measure it, hazards that can impact the integrity of
    the ice road, ice road construction, monitoring and maintenance activities, and vehicle control on an
    ice road. The webinar was recorded and is available from USDOT at the following link: https://usdot.zoomgov.com/rec/share/-jq5hofMPAOC767LQ4OyGQ8RSuhx1pcd3yw-UyB3ae1lKseNw-o3vDPNOylx95Cl.kO0BL8qJQ8YLZyE3

    More information
  • Dust Management Webinar

    Dust continues to plague Alaska’s villages. This webinar will provide information regarding the reduction of dust through an incremental approach that begins with institutional approaches through the use of cold mix asphalt paving. Attendees will learn how to reduce dust through speed reductions, selection of the gravel surfacing, and use of water. From there we will discuss the use of dust palliatives such as calcium chloride, synthetic fluids, and polymers. At the high end of performance and cost are cold mix asphalts which can be placed with minimal equipment. We will provide guidance on when to use each of these dust management tools.

    Presented on June 7, 2023 by Billy Connor. View the presentation on YouTube.


    Dust Management Slides
  • LRTP Webinar

    It All Starts with Planning: Why your Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Matters

    Session Abstract:

    The purpose of transportation planning is to address current and future transportation, land use, economic development, traffic demand, public safety, health, and social needs. A Tribal government performs transportation planning to analyze existing and future transportation facilities serving the Tribal community under changing conditions to make informed investment decisions.  Planning can be done for both the short and long term. The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), is a long-term (20+ year) strategy and capital improvement program developed to guide the effective investment of TTP funds in multimodal transportation facilities.  Tribal governments administering the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) have ownership of their transportation planning activities by determining what long-range transportation planning areas benefit their community’s vision and goals.

    Join the Alaska Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP) for a webinar session covering the importance of keeping a Tribe’s LRTP current including:

    • the process of updating or drafting a new LRTP;
    • how LRTPs relate to other transportation plans and systems including the Tribal Transportation Improvement Program (TTIP) and the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory (NTTFI); and
    • why a current LRTP is important for many grant opportunities under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s many programs.    

    Presented May 17, 2023 by Miles Brookes, a Tribal Coordinator for FHWA Office of Tribal Transportation to Alaska Tribes. View the presentation on YouTube.

    LRTP Presentation