Construction on Permafrost Class Offered by AIDC on November 17

Sep 14, 2023

The Alaska Tribal Technical Assistance Program (ATTAP) in the Arctic Infrastructure Development Center (AIDC) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks invites you to a 1-day training course on Roads and Airfields Constructed on Permafrost. The course will be offered on November 17, 2023 in the BP Design Theater on the UAF campus, Fairbanks, Alaska. The course will be taught by Billy Connor and Kevin Bjella.

This course provides the practicing engineer with the basic knowledge required to build roadway and airports over permafrost terrain.  Topics covered include an overview of permafrost, geotechnical investigations, slope stability, impacts of climate and adaptation strategies during the design, construction, and maintenance phases.  The course provides a working knowledge for those working in permafrost regions such that the practicing engineer will be able to work with subject matter experts to obtain the desired project outcomes.
There is no charge to attend the workshop. Professional development credits are available.
Please register that you are planning to attend the event at The email provided in the registration will be used to send further information as the workshop gets closer. 
Road construction on Permafrost