Ice Roads Workshop

Nov 21, 2022

The AIDC and CSET hosted a workshop focused on the placement, design and maintenance of ice roads on November 8-9, 2022 in Bethel Alaska. The workshop included presentations on the Ice Roads Manual developed by the AIDC, the experiences of those building ice roads in Alaska, and the funding resources available through AK DOT. Mark Leary presented on the extensive experiences of the Native Village of Napaimute Ice Road Program. Input from his team highlighted changes required to the Ice Roads manual prior to the manual's final publication. Interest has been expressed by individuals unable to attend the Bethel Workshop for another opportunity to learn about ice road construction. The AIDC is currently investigating the possibility of holding a workshop in Fairbanks in early 2023. The photo below shows the workshop attendees on November 9, 2022. 

Attendees of the Ice Roads Workshop held in Bethel, Alaska November 2022